In the name of GOD

۳rd week of Ordibehesht

۱st grade

In GE session, students got familiar with vocabularies such as: clown, magic, circus,… . Teacher practiced vocabularies with flashcards. Students completed their activity books.

In phonics session, students practiced blending the letters.

۲nd grade

Students practiced reading parts. They completed their books. Teacher reviewed food and drinks such as: meat, chicken, juice, milk, … .

In phonics session, students learnt /ar/ /ou/ sounds.

۳rd grade

Students practiced reading parts. They completed their books. Teacher reviewed food and drinks such as: meat, chicken, juice, milk, … .

۴th, 5th, 6th grade

During this week, students practiced their roles in order to be ready for the performance.

Mrs. Tavassoly

Pre School

Students learnt and review the new letters “z” , “k”, and “y”.

They learnt about “living” and “none-living” things.

Tree is a living thing / chair is a none-living thing.

۱st grade

The videos and cartoons related to “time” and “clock” were played and practiced in the class.

What time is it?                  it’s 4 o’clock.

Reading exercises were done during phonics sessions to enhance students’ reading skills.

۲nd grade

The vocabulary part of each unit was reviewed and practiced. The drama was repeated and practiced as well. Book activities related to actions by the use of “could” grammar were also done.

Ms, Golbaba

Students practiced “plants” and “animals” in order to improve their speaking skill.

In GE sessions, Unit 8 was reviewed so students have been able to make following sentences:

What are you doing? I am playing on the slide.

What is she doing? She is feeding the dogs.

Students did their activity book during the week, too.