In the name of GOD



In phonics session, students learnt /x/ and /v/ sound and words. Also, they watched “alphabet” videos. Students played with flashcards.

Vet, van, violin, vest, box, fox, taxi

In science session, students watched “daily activities”. They learnt to make following sentences:

I wake up.

I wash my face.

I brush my teeth.

I comb my hair.

I eat breakfast.

In math session, students learnt to follow ways. In addition, they did their activity books.

۱st grade

In GE session, teacher reviewed “clothes” with flashcards.

In phonics session, students learnt /x/ and /v/ sound and words. Also, they watched “alphabet” videos. Students played with flashcards.

Vet, van, violin, vest, box, fox, taxi

In science session, they got familiar with living and non-living things.

Cat is a living thing.

Pen is a non-living thing.

۲nd grade

In GE session, they got familiar with different parts of the house.

It is livingroom.

In addition, students are able to answer following questions:

Where do you live? I live in Tehran.

Do you live in a house? Yes, I do.       No, I don’t.

Also, unit 1 and 2 were reviewed.

In phonics session, /sh/ sound was reviewed. Students got familiar with/ch/ sound.

Sheep, ship, fish

Cheese, beach, chair

In science session, seasons and weather were reviewed.

۳rd grade

In GE session, previous sessions were reviewed. Students listened to their audio books and did their activity book.

In science session, students got familiar with different parts of the body.

Head, hair, neck, trunk, leg, hand, arm, foot.

۴th, 5th, 6th grade

In GE session, previous sessions were reviewed. Also, students did their grammar books.

In science session, students got familiar with different parts of a plant and their functions. Also, science books were reviewed. Students did a test.



In phonics session, all previous sessions were reviewed and they had a test, too.

In science session, all previous sessions were reviewed. Students are able to distinguish “wild” and “domestic” animals.

In GE session, students practiced a conversation.

Ms. Tavassoly

۱st grade

GE: daily activities were introduced by different videos.

I wake up, I wash my hands/face, I eat breakfast,….

Science: students learnt to categorize animals in two groups.

Wild animals and domestic animals.


۲nd grade

GE: students learnt details about nature. They completed activities book. A general view of some games was given to students in class as an introduction.

Science: students got familiar with force and 2 main kinds of movements: pushing and pulling.

Math:  the main math concepts were reviewed.

۳rd grade

GE: students learnt details about nature. They completed book activities. A general view of some games was given to students in class as an introduction.

Science: students got familiar with force and 2 main kinds of movements: pushing and pulling.

Math:  the main math concepts were reviewed.

۴th,5th, 6th grade

GE: students learnt details about nature. They completed book activities. A general view of some games was given to students in class as an introduction.

Science: students got familiar with force and 2 main kinds of movements: pushing and pulling.

Math:  the main math concepts were reviewed.