In the name of GOD


۱st grade level 1

In math session, students got familiar with the concept of “more than” and “fewer than”. In addition, students learnt triangular shapes.

In science session, students did their activity books in order to review “۵ senses”.

۲nd grade level 1

In phonics session, students practiced reading sight words. Also, they learnt /oo, ue, u-e/.

Boot, blue, flute

In math session, students got familiar with the concept of “before & after”.

۳rd grade level 1

In phonics session, they learnt /sh, ch, th/.

Ship, cheese, thin

In addition, they did their activity books.

In GE session, teacher reviewed physical actions. Also, they talked about their abilities.

۴th, 5th, 6th grade

During this week, students listened to “Rapunzel song” in order to develop listening ability. Also, they gave spelling test.

In addition, teacher reviewed leisure activities.

First  grade


Students learnt about animals. They watched related videos and cartoons. Previous sentences were reviewed.

I like…

I want…

I have got…


During phonics session vowels “oo” , “ue”, “u-e” were taught.

Food, foot, boot




The concept of “more than” was practiced and “less than” was taught.

۳ is less than 10                 ۳ < 10

۱۰ is more than 3

۲nd grade (level 2)


The book Reading and writing was complete and practiced in general session. A cartoon was played regarding the unit subject.


The concept of “Same” and “different” were taught and practiced.

۳rd grade (level2)


The book Reading and writing was complete and practiced in general session. A cartoon was played regarding the unit subject.


 students practiced subtractions in problems. They also tried to comprehend and solve the problems.

۴th, 5th, 6th grade (level 2)


The book Reading and writing was complete and practiced in general session. A cartoon was played regarding the unit subject.


Activities of workbook were done and reviewed.