In the name of God

۱st week of Dey:

Ms, Golbaba

In phonics session, students learnt /oo,ue,u-e/ so they have been able to read following words:

Food, boot, blue, cube.

In science session, following sentences have been covered:

Cat is a living thing.

Desk is a non-living thing.

Living things can walk, eat, drink, have a baby and grow.

Non-living thing can’t walk, eat, drink, have a baby and grow.

There are five senses

Sense of sight. I can see with my eyes.

Sense of hearing. I can hear with my ears.

Sense of smell. I can smell with my nose.

Sense of touch. I can touch with my hands.

Sense of taste. I can taste with my tongue.

Desk is a solid.

Solid has a shape.

Water is a liquid.

A liquid takes the shape of its container.

A gas takes the shape of its container.

Air is made from gases.

In GE session, following sentences have been covered:

I can clap with my hands.

She can clap with her hands.

He can clap with his hands.

I can not swim.

She can not swim.

He can not swim.


۱st grade

In GE session, students learnt new words such as: banana, peach, plum, cake, picnic, orange juice, water. Also, they are able to answer the following questions:

Do you like apples? Yes, I like apples.

Do you like chips? No, I don’t.

In phonics session, teacher reviewed the alphabets and related words.

In science session, students got familiar with different parts of the body and senses.

I can see with my eyes.

I can hear with my eyes.

I can touch with my hands.

I can taste with my tongue.

I can smell with my eyes.

In math session, they got familiar with square. Also, they learnt to read and write number 3.

۲nd grade

In GE session, they learnt to introduce their family members.

This is my dad. He is a doctor.

This is my mom. She is a teacher.

Also, students got familiar with possessive‘s.

This is sara’s pencil.

In science session, students got familiar with the concept of “day and night:. In addition, they are able to make the following sentences:

I can see the sun, clouds, bird, plane, and kite in the sky during the day.

I can see the moon, stars in the sky during the night.

۳rd grade

In GE session, following sentences have been covered:

I can clap with my hands.

She can clap with her hands.

He can clap with his hands.

I can‘t swim.

She can’t swim.

He can‘t swim.

In science session, students got familiar with the concept of ”day and night”. In addition, they are able to make the following sentences:

I can see the sun, clouds, bird, plane, and kite in the sky during the day.

I can see the  moon, stars in the sky during the night.

۳rd, 4th, 5th grade

In math session, students got familiar with living and non-living things. Also, following sentences have been covered:

Cat is a living thing.

Desk is a non-living thing.

Living things can drink water, eat food, walk, have a baby and grow.

They need sun, air, water, food and shelter.

In GE session, students they got familiar with daily activities. Also, students learnt following structure:

I must be on time for school.

I should go to bed early.

Mrs. Tavassoly

Pre school

Phonics: Students learnt new letters “O o” and “D d”, with their examples.

Omelet, on, off

Doctor, duck, dog

General: During the week, the unit containing “parts of body” was covered. The relating songs were practiced and activities were done.

My leg, my belly, my head, my nose, my arm…

Math: Students got familiar with “sizes”.

Big, medium, small


۱st grade

Phonics: Vowels /a/ and /e/ were reviewed.  New vowel /o/ was taught.

o-e : nose, home, close

oa: boat, goat, board

General: “Numbers”, “fruits”, and “colors” were taught and reviewed. Students learnt the sentence “I want an apple” , “ I like apples” “I don’t like apples”.

Math: Students learnt sizes. They did related activities.

Big, medium, small


۲nd grade:

General: Students learnt about “seasons” and “the weather” which dominates over each season.

Science: Students learnt details about “winter”.

during winter it is rainy and snowy.

Math: students learnt to write “numbers” in its correct way.

۳rd grade

General: Students learnt about “seasons” and “the weather” which dominates over each season. They were evaluated in spelling test.

Science: students learnt details about winter.

during winter it is rainy and snowy.

Math: Students tried to use table to solve their problems.

۴th,5th, 6th grade

General: They were evaluated in spelling test. Daily activities and time were reviewed. Frequency adverbs were taught.

I always go to school.

I sometimes go to museum. 

Science: Students learnt details about winter. during winter it is rainy and snowy.

Math: Students added 7,8 or 9 to another numbers by first making 10.