In the name of God

Ms. Shokrollah



During this week, letters /t, n, l, h, a, m/ were reviewed.

Activity books were done.

Students got familiar with five senses. Following sentences were reviewed:

What can you do with your eyes? I can see.

What can you do with your ears? I can hear.

What can you do with your hands? I can touch.

Body parts were reviewed: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hand.

۲nd and 3rd grade /odi 1/

In GE session, Students got familiar with actions. They watched “action videos”. They are able to do the following actions:

Stamp your feet

Clap your hands

Nod your head

Move your leg

Shake your hands



Students are able to answer following questions:

Can you swim? Yes, I can.

Can she run? No, she can’t.

In Science session, four seasons were taught.

Writing skill was improved through dictation.

 ۴th, 5th and 6th grade /odi3/

In GE session, students learned to talk about leisure activities they did in the past. Also, they got familiar with past tense of irregular verbs such as: go (went), read.

In Math session, students got familiar with the concept of (symmetry/ fractions).

Science concepts were reviewed and tested on paper.

  1. Niyaraki

۴th, 5th, 6th   /odi1/

During this week all of the concepts related to unit 4 (Action verbs) were taught up to page 42.

Following sentences have been practiced:

 I can wave my arms .can you wave your arms? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

  She can clap her hands. Can she clap her hands? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.

Also, Students are able to read “Hamd Surah” in group.

Students were evaluated in writing and spelling test.

۲nd / phonics 2/

In phonics sessions, long sounds /a,e,I,o/ were reviewed and practiced so students have been able to read and make sentences.

Also Sight words (his, her, what, they, you, we) were practiced. Phonics book pages 25-27 were covered and Students did some pages of their activity books.

In science sessions, Different parts of plants, needs and functions of plants were taught. Students did some worksheets, too.


Letters /g,l,r/ were practiced with their actions, formation, and examples. Students have been able to read blended words as well as short sentences.

Letter (U, u) with its sound, action, formation, and blended words was taught.

In Science session, the concept of five senses and body parts were reviewed so students learnt following sentences.

There are five senses. I can see with my eyes.  I can smell with my nose. I can taste with my tongue. I can touch with my hands. I can hear with my ears.

 I have got 2 eyes.                               I have got 2 hands.                        

I have got 2 ears.                                 I have got 1 nose.

Ms.Golbaba /odi6/

In GE sessions, students have been able to identify and use the suffixes-ful and less.

Pages 41-42 of students ‘book /reading part/ were covered so students answered the questions and gave the summary in order to improve their speaking skills. In addition, students did some experiments /pages 38-39/ in class.

In science session, students got familiar with the life cycle of “frog and butterfly”.


۱st grade /phonics 2/

Students learnt to read and write the letters “R,L,B,C”. They also learnt some examples related to the mentioned letters.

R: rain, rainbow, rabbit, red

L: lamp, lollipop, lion

B: black, blue, bird, board

۳rd grade /odi2/

Students learnt about daily activities by mentioning the time. They also practiced the dictation of the vocabulary related to daily routines activities.

I wake up at 6:00

I have breakfast at 7:00

۴th , 5th, 6th grade /odi4/

Students learnt about some physical appearance during the week. Previous subjects from unit 2 and 3 have been practiced and reviewed.

She has got long black hair.

He has got short fair hair.