Ms. Shokrollah


۲nd and 3rd grade /odi1/

Students learnt to integrate cross-cultural content into the class. They are able to answer following questions:

Have you got cousins?

Where do they live?

How old are they؟

Also, students completed progress check in page 39.

 In addition, unit 3 was reviewed. Students had a test of unit 3.

Writing skill was improved through dictation.

۴th, 5th and 6th grade /odi3/

Students learned to use language from the unit to talk about mosaics. Also, they got familiar with unusual homes: igloo, cave house.

In addition, unit 3 was reviewed. Students had a test of unit 3.

Ms.Golbaba /odi6/

Pages 36-37 were covered.

Students have been able to use the past and present simple passive.

In science session, students got familiar with the classification of animals, also they have been able to classify animals in to two groups. (Vertebrates and invertebrates).

  1. Niyaraki

۴th, 5th, 6th \ odi1\

During this week all the concepts related to unit 3 (My family) were taught. Students did the test of unit 3.

Students memorized Hamd and Tohid surah. They had a dictation on the board. They did some pages of their activity books, too.

۲nd /phonics 2/

During this week long (a, e, I, o) words as well as sight words (his , her, what , they , you , we ) were reviewed. Students have been able to make sentences with sight words.

Phonics book pages 20 -25 were covered. Students did some pages of their activity books, too.

In phonics sessions, they had a dictation test.

In math session, numbers /40-50/ as well as the concept of “before, after, between” were practiced. They did some worksheets for math concepts.

Students are able to name days of the week and recite Tohid surah.


Letters (L, G, R) with their sounds, actions, formations, words, blended sounds and flash cards were taught. L (lemon, lollipop, lips, lion, ladder) , G ( girl, guitar, green, gold, goat , goose) R ( red, rabbit , robot, rocket, rose , run , rainbow)

Students have been able to distinguish five senses. They are able to read Tohid Surah. They did some pages of phonics book and activity books, too.

Pre/ phonics 1/

Letters (L, G) with their sounds, actions, formations, words and flashcards were covered. . L (lemon, lollipop, lips, lion, ladder) G (girl, guitar, green, gold, goat, goose)

Students learnt the concept of five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch).

Mrs. Tavassoly


Students learnt new letters “Ll and Ff” with the examples. Letter “Rr” has been also introduced.



Moreover, they learnt about their 5 senses.

First grade /phonics 2/

Students learnt about new letters “Ll and Ff” with the examples. Letter “Rr” has been also introduced.



Moreover, they learnt about their 5 senses.

۳rd grade /odi2/

Students learnt to express their feelings about the activities they are willing to do on different kinds of days with different type of weather. They also tried to get skillful in writing the related vocabulary as well.

I like making snowman on snowy days.

I like taking photos on windy days.

۴th,5th,6th grade /odi4/

Students learnt about past tense in details. They tried to read and practice some reading texts which help them to recognize past tense verbs. Positive, negative and question sentences containing regular and irregular verbs have been taught and practiced.

I went snorkeling.

I didn’t go snorkeling.

Did you go snorkeling?