In the name of GOD


Ms. Shokrollah


During this week, students learnt about park equipment such as: slide, see-saw, swing, …

In phonics sessions, students practiced “alphabet train” song. Teacher reviewed letters / s, p, h, t, /.

Also, blended words were practiced.

۱st grade

During this week, students learnt about park equipment such as: slide, see-saw, swing,

In phonics session, students practiced “alphabet train” song. Teacher reviewed letters / s, p, h, t, /.

Also, blended words were practiced. They had a dictation test in order to improve their writing skill.

۲nd grade

During this week, teacher reviewed / ai, ay, a-e/ /ee,ea/.

Students learnt days of the week. Teacher gave them extra worksheets. They read the text and answered the questions.

۳rd grade

In GE, students learnt about sports and their fields. They have been able to talk about what they did in the past.

What did you do yesterday?

I played badminton.

They got familiar with/ ur, or,ar/ sounds.

۴th, 5th grade

In GE, students learnt about sports and their fields. They have been able to talk about what they did in the past.

What did you do yesterday?

I played badminton.

They got familiar with/ ur, or,ar/ sounds.

Teacher reviewed unit 1-4. They had a test in order to recognize their weaknesses.

Ms. Tavassoly

۱st grade

Students practiced reading and writing simple sentences; weekdays were also taught and practiced.

Saturday – Sunday- Monday- Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday.

This is a blue kite.

We are in the class.

۲nd grade

Present continues was practiced during the week. Students learnt different actions and outdoor games; the concept and stages of a plant growth were mentioned.

She is climbing a tree.

I put a seed in the soil. I water the seed…

۳rd grade

During the week the future structure was practiced in different contexts, they also learnt about different natural disasters.

It might be cloudy on Wednesday.

We’ve got tsunamis in japan.

There are often earthquakes in japan.

۴th,5th, 6th grade

During the week the future structure was practiced in different contexts, they also learnt about different natural disasters.

It might be cloudy on Wednesday.

We’ve got tsunamis in japan.

There are often earthquakes in japan.

In GE sessions, students learnt to use “used to” , “ didn’t use to” to talk about habitual actions in the past.

Following sentences have been covered:

I used to play the guitar when I was 10 years old.

I didn’t use to play with my toys when u was 2 years old.

They practiced and did some reading parts in order to develop their reading skill.

Units 1,2 were reviewed, too.

Ms. Golbaba